Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day Four

Two days of school down, only twelve to go. At least we have Friday off. It's not the classes that are the problem, necessarily, it's getting there. This is an unnecessarily large school, and I think they need their own Under One Roof campaign. Not that I'm complaining. What I am complaining about is my weird mental alarm clock that goes off at six in the morning, when I really don't  have to get out of bed for another hour. So, thank you teacher parents, for training me to rise ridiculously early. Also Latin. Latin has no rules, is my primary take away from today's lesson. Not mentioning the fact that my class is full of eighth graders. I didn't realize how different large groups of middle schoolers are from large groups of high schoolers. The only editorial I'm going to add is thank God I'm not in middle school anymore.
I apologize for the pessimism, but I really didn't get a break today. It was straight classes, including lunch, and my only free period was at the end of the day, during which I met with Kate, the Networking Adviser, and started Uncle Tom's Cabin. (Somewhere, LK rejoices) Being a good citizen is exhausting. But Uncle Tom's Cabin is good, so at least my productivity won't be boring.
So, the food situation is less than good at the Mykata Chomsky's  right now. Approximately twenty four hours after I arrived, their refrigerator broke. And while this means takeout (Pizza! Cheese steaks!), it also means I can't pack my lunch. And extending that problem even further, I can't buy food at the cafeteria, since Rosa has class during lunch tomorrow (this school uses fancy fingerprint scanners instead of money. Truly, they are the future.), so tomorrow I either starve, or try to buy food from the student snack bar, which, side note, MV should totally have. And we all know I really can't be trusted to make food purchasing decisions. I'll probably end up eating something junky with the caloric value of a Happy Meal. But if I can survive my chemistry exam, I can survive another two and a half weeks at a large and confusing school. For everyone at home, enjoy your familiar surroundings and ability to know where you're going, because I can't.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emma!
    Well, part of Network is to adapt to your environment...so there is a challenge!
    I didn't sense that Germantown Friends was that much bigger than we are, its just
    that you are in an urban landscape and I remember the buildings are disconnected
    and on different campuses or streets.
    Are you going to do any volunteering?
    Live dangerously and eat a Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich!
    I hope yo enjoy exploring the city with Mykata Chomsky on Saturday.
    And open yourself up to meeting new people, I've sure enjoyed working
    with you as you prepared for Network, so I know the students and teachers
    will love knowing you.
    Have fun...
    Mrs. K
