Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day One

So, today I woke up, hauled my two suitcases and backpack downstairs and then waited for a long time for the rest of my family to get ready. Because apparently it takes me less time to prepare for a month away from home then it does for everyone else to get ready for an hour long car ride. One gas station stop, a brief panic over  ticket printouts that were left at home, and some emotional goodbyes later, I got some coffee and waited. And waited. And worried. Finally finally finally they let us board. So I’m writing this on a plane (I’ll post it later, along with how meeting my host family played out.) The woman I’m sitting next to was doing her nails, and it probably says something that her nail painting skills on a bumpy plane are better than mine when I’m sitting still in my room. That’s probably it for now, no major crises (yet…). 
My host family seems very nice. I was picked up by Rosa, the girl who's my age, and her dad, and then we retrieved her mom and younger brother. They're very musical, the brother, Emanuel, has been playing the piano since we got back from dinner, and Rosa dances. Probably the only weird thing is the fact that this family is a good deal shorter than my family, so I'm a good six inches taller than most of them. So yeah, good day today.

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