Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day Two

This is totally manageable. These people are Doctor Who fans, they're supportive of me waking up at ten thirty in the morning (although, truth be told, I was reading for about an hour and a half before I officially woke up), and they support my coffee habit. As long as my friends keep texting me, and I'm able to sneak off for some antisocial computer time, I've got this.
However, tomorrow is the first day of school, and there was something posted on the GFS website about how I'm the new kid for the month, so this good feeling might go away pretty soon. Also, I finished my licorice all sorts (thanks, Mom!) this morning. So it might be a little bit more of a struggle.
Although, we do have school off on Friday, and Rosa has promised me a day of non stop eating and public transit, my two favorite things, so I've got that to look forward to. And I witnessed a three hour ballet recital after the coffee jaunt. Thank God I am not a ballerina, because I don't think my feet could take the abuse. I also don't exactly have the figure for leotards, or enough hair for a bun.  It's about ten at night, and I kind of want to finish the Italian detective novel I picked up earlier today, so wish me luck in functioning socially tomorrow. This has been Emma Baker, reporting to you live from Philadelphia.


  1. Hello Emma,
    It's Monday afternoon at MV. Your mom and dad were busy yesterday with the Open House, so they probably won't get to you until this evening!
    Glad you made it to Philly and you are settling in with your family.
    I hope you like working with Kate Hanssen, I certainly do.
    I would look forward to the prospect of exploring Philadelphia with a native and enjoying the food and sites as an excellent way to spend a day off of school.
    Let us know the classes you get and if Germantown kids are anything like MV kids!
    Mrs. Koelsch

  2. Certainly enjoying the caffeine motif! Can't wait to hear about the day of non-stop eating and public transport.
